احدث الاخبارالصراط المستقيم

Not like humans





Madbouly Atman writes…

“The greatest event in my life is that I thoroughly studied the life of the Messenger of God, Muhammad, and realized the greatness and immortality in it. Any man realized the greatness of humanity as Muhammad realized, and any human being reached the levels of perfection as he reached, the Messenger destroyed false beliefs that take mediation. between the Creator and the creature.” This true testimony was recorded in the right of our greatest messenger, the famous French poet Alphonse Lamartine (October 1790 – February 1869), known as the pioneer of romanticism, in the book (The Life of Muhammad) published in Paris in the French language in 1854.

It is a true testimony because it was issued by a distinguished French figure belonging to the nobility in France and a poet referred to in Europe, and also from a capable politician who worked as a deputy in the French Parliament for the Macon region from 1833 until 1851, and he also assumed the presidency of the temporary government in France After the revolution of 1848, he assumed the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs.

As we live on the anniversary of the birth of our Noble Messenger Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, I wished to present to the dear readers a number of fair testimonies in his regard to non-Muslim thinkers in order to learn the difference between us and them in studying the biography of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in order to imitate him, because in it there is the correct way out and there are no crises. Egypt, Arabs and Muslims only, but for the entire world crisis. In this regard, the English orientalist Roberton Smith says: “It is the only good fortune in human history that Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came with a book, a verse on rhetoric, and a constitution for the laws, prayer, religion and the world at the same time, and that the Holy Qur’an is a book created to find solutions to the problems of all mankind.” .

The American orientalist Gibbon says in his book entitled (Muslims): “The Islamic religion is completely free from mental doubts and suspicions, and the Qur’an is one of the greatest evidences of the oneness of God. Motivated by reckless fanaticism, it would be better for a person to be moderate in his opinions, upright in his actions, and fair in his judgments over others.

And the French French orientalist Cradi Vaux, in his book (Islamic Thinkers), enumerated the characteristics of our Noble Messenger, showing their impact, saying: “It was known that Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was one of the most intelligent people, the best in opinion, the most informative of speech, the most accurate meaning, and the most accurate description. He was loving and sympathetic to the poor, the needy and the weak, and he did not withdraw his hand from those who shake hands until the handshake was concerned by pulling it, and he sat on the ground, and he sewed the soles and patches the clothes, and yet he raised a generation that took over the reins of the world within half a century of time.

There are so many fair testimonies of our Messenger from foreigners that it is too narrow to mention them here. But it imposes on us a number of questions: How do Muslims today deal with the anniversary of the birth of their Messenger, who is not like him, as the Noble Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet explained, and the jurists and the majority of scholars and thinkers of the West and the East agreed on that? Will our celebration of the birth anniversary of the Mustafa remain limited to eating, drinking and a number of formal seminars in which the same words have been repeated for dozens of years, and an old movie about his biography was shown

When do we find the biography of our Messenger activated in our lives? Do we know that the application of one true prophetic hadith will remove the congestion from our society and stop all the heinous crimes that are currently prevalent. The Prophet Muhammad said in the authentic hadith: “None of you has faith until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” The scholars emphasized that what is meant by brother here is the brother in humanity.

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